Bosnian-English / English-Bosnian Dictionary

new = nov, skora"snji, svije"z
line feed, new line = znak za prelazak u novi red, prelaz u novi red, novi red
NT abbr. New Technology = nova tehnologija, Windows NT
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year = sretan Bo"zi'c i Nova godina, sre'can Bo"zi'c i Nova godina
Happy New Year = Sre'cna Nova godina, Sretna Nova Godina
New Year = Nova godina
what is new, what is going on, what is up = "sta ima kod tebe, "sta ima novo, "sta ima
New Year's Eve = Novogodi"snja no'c
what's up, what's new = "sta ima novoga, "sta ima novo, "sta ima novo, "sta se radi, "sta radi"s
new = novi
Enter a word or phrase in English or Bosnian
Examples: student, word, djak, rije"c, comput# for all words starting with comput.
A majority of the terms are stored in singular, musculine, and the base verb form. Use table instead of tables, work instead of worked.
