Bosnian-English / English-Bosnian Dictionary

about = o, oko, zbog, u vezi sa, uokolo
care = brinuti se, voditi ra"cuna o
familiar = dobro upoznat, obavije"sten o ne"cemu
herein = o tome, ovd\je
hereof = o tome, oko toga
of = kod, o, od, po, sa, u, za
oh = o, oh
portability warning = upozorenje o prenosivosti, opomena o prebacivosti
EULA abbr. End User License Agreement = sporazum o licenci sa krajnjim korisnikom
PIF abbr. Program Information File = datoteka sa informacijama o programu
about = informacije o programu
cancel message = poruka o obustavi
computer science = nauka o ra"cunarima, ra"cunarska nauka, ra"cunarstvo
error message = poruka o gre"sci
Enter a word or phrase in English or Bosnian
Examples: student, word, djak, rije"c, comput# for all words starting with comput.
A majority of the terms are stored in singular, musculine, and the base verb form. Use table instead of tables, work instead of worked.
