Bosnian-English / English-Bosnian Dictionary

but = ali, iako, mada, no, osim, samo
no, nope = ne, nijedan, nikako
nobody, no one = niko, nitko
no trespassing = zabranjen prolaz
there is no = nema
no problem = nema problema
no abatement = bez popusta, stalne cijene
oh come on, no way, give it up, you must be joking = ma daj, de ba
there is no acconnting for tastes = o ukusima se ne da sporiti, o ukusima ne treba raspravljati
it admits of no doubt = ne dopu"sta nikakvu sumnju
he is up to no good = on ne planira ni"sta dobro
this has no bearing on the question to = nema nikakve veze s ovim pitanjem
Enter a word or phrase in English or Bosnian
Examples: student, word, djak, rije"c, comput# for all words starting with comput.
A majority of the terms are stored in singular, musculine, and the base verb form. Use table instead of tables, work instead of worked.
