Bosnian-English / English-Bosnian Dictionary

backtracking algorithm = algoritam sa vra'canjem
hash algorithm = algoritam sa razbacivanjem
IDEA abbr. International Data Encryption Algorithm = Medjunarodni algoritam za "sifriranje podataka
SHA abbr. secure hash algorithm = sigurni algoritam razbacivanja
Lempel Ziv algorithm = Lempel-Zivov algoritam
STA abbr. Spanning Tree Algorithm = algoritam grananja/premo"s'cavaju'ceg stabla
algorithm = algoritam
search algorithm = algoritam pretra"zivanja
sort algorithm = algoritam sortiranja
Enter a word or phrase in English or Bosnian
Examples: student, word, djak, rije"c, comput# for all words starting with comput.
A majority of the terms are stored in singular, musculine, and the base verb form. Use table instead of tables, work instead of worked.
